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How to Create a COVID-19 Workplace Policy

Two years in, and COVID-19 continues to impact businesses and employees, and not for the better. The Pew Research Center reports that less than half of employees are satisfied with the steps their employers have taken to keep them safe from COVID-19. With continuous changes in policies and regulations, it can be hard for a small business owner to keep up. Developing a comprehensive COVID-19 plan for your business and employees that keeps everyone informed and safe is essential for employee satisfaction. Here’s how.

What to Include in Your COVID-19 Workplace Policy

Your COVID-19 Workplace Policy is unique to your business and industry. However, there are specific topics that every business should cover within their comprehensive policy that will help minimize the impact and spread of COVID-19. 

  • Procedure for Employees Who Test Positive 
  • Sick Time/PTO Policy
  • PPC Available for Employees Within the Workplace 
  • Remote/Hybrid/In-Person Guidelines
  • COVID-19 Information & Resources

Timely Response to Changes & Conflicting Rules

A comprehensive workplace policy is a great starting place, but with the ongoing changes in policies and conflicting rules, it is vital to keep your employees continuously updated. Ensure you stay up to date on the most specific industry and state updates by setting up alerts from CDC and OSHA. This will ensure you can develop a plan and relay information in a timely manner. Also, designating a point person within your human resources department will help provide employees with a clear point of contact for COVID-19-related concerns. Create a page on your company website for resources and policies with contact information. Implementing these systems within your business will help you create a positive company culture, retain employees, and improve employee engagement. 

As an employer, it is your responsibility to keep your employees safe both physically and psychologically. Consistent and frequent communication will ensure your employees feel safe and connected to your company. Need help creating a COVID-19 workplace policy? Eli Advisors offers expert HR coaching, a built-in support center, and resources for all your HR questions. Learn more about we can help you confidently tackle your HR challenges.

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Raechyl Thieringer Business Development Manager
Call Ms. Raechyl Thieringer at 908-787-6381 for a customized HR, Payroll and Employee Benefits Solution for your business.